Friday, December 9, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

September Videos

Here are the video's for September. I apologize for the delay in posting these. The video's were uploaded on my home computer which decided to die...needless to say a new computer & a few weeks later we have everything back! Gotta love technology :-)

The dances are all finished and the next few months will be spent perfecting the steps. Please have your children watch these with you so they can see what mistakes they are making. A lot of the difficulty with the younger classes is making sure they start the steps on the correct foot, if they can see that they might be starting on the wrong foot or going the opposite direction as everyone else that is a great place to start having them practice.

Thank you for all your support & we'll see you next week!
Miss Denise

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August Dances

Below are the class dances for August. We are 1/2 way through all the dances and in some cases we are more than 1/2 way done. We will be finishing the dances in September and going back through them step by step in October and November. Please have your child practice at least 1 time per day per dance (with the DVD or CD).


3-4 Yr Olds Ballet

5-6 Yr Olds Ballet

5-6 Yr Olds Jazz

6-7 Yr Olds Ballet

6-7 Yr Olds Jazz

8-9 Yr Olds Ballet

8-9 Yr Olds Jazz

10-11 Yr Olds Ballet

10-11 Jazz

12+ Ballet

12+ Jazz

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fall 2011 Dance Session

Just a reminder to everyone that dance starts on Tuesday, August 9th and Wednesday, August 10th. The session will run through November with a tentative recital date of the first weekend in December (I am still waiting to hear back from the school).

Tuition for August is $40 plus $5 registration fee ($45) for the 1st child and $35 plus $5 registration fee ($40) for each additional child. Tuition for the months of September, October and November will be $40 for the first child and $35 for each additional. Please see below for the list of classes and times.

Tuesday Classes
3-4 Yr Olds: 3:30-4:20
5-6 Yr Olds: 4:25-5:25
6-7 Yr Olds: 5:30-6:30
Adult: 8:30-9:30

Wednesday Classes
12+ Class: 4:25-5:25
10-11 Class: 5:30-6:30
8-9 Class: 6:35-7:35

Please e-mail me at if you have any questions. Thanks so much for registering, I am really excited for the new session to start. We are doing a holiday show/recital this year with all Christmas songs. I have been searching for songs since January and am very excited about the songs and dances!

Have a great last few weeks of your summer and we'll see you in August!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Video Delay

I apologize for the delay in getting the video's out. I had them ready Wednesday evening to post & couldn't get my blog to post. After doing some research for the past several days I realized that apparently I had missed an update so blogger was not allowing it to publish the post. So sorry for the delay. Enjoy the videos! :-)

April Class Dances

Here are the class dances for April. Thank you to my mom for always taping & for the girls in the 12+ class for helping tape their dances too! Everyone has worked really hard this month and the dances have progressed very nicely. We are two practices away from the dress rehearsal & 3 practices away from the recital. I feel like it snuck up on me way too fast this time! It is very important all students attend dance especially these next few weeks as we continue to perfect the dances before the recital. Thanks again for all your support - you guys are the best! :-)

3-4 Yr Olds

5-6 Yr Olds

6-7 Yr Olds

8-9 Yr Olds

10-11 Yr Olds

12+ Class

Thursday, March 31, 2011